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Maintenance Outdoor Mat

The outdoor mat is very easy to maintain and clean. The dirt scraped from the shoes falls through the openings and is then removed by wind and rain.

For extra cleaning of the mat, the mat can be lifted and the dirt swept away with a broom.

In addition, the mat can simply be cleaned with water and a soft brush. A mild detergent or green soap can help with this. Please do not use aggressive cleaning products like chlorine.

Teak Maintenance

For mats with a teak inlay, you can choose to let it age naturally or maintain it.

For maintenance you will need the following: a soft brush, a mild soap or specific teak cleaner, water, a soft cloth or sponge, towel, teak oil sealer (optional):

Step 1: Wipe the dirt off the mat with the brush

Step 2: Clean the teak inlay with the sponge and mild soap solution or teak cleaner

Step 3: Rinse well with water

Step 4: Dry it and let it dry in the open air

Step 5: Apply the teak oil sealer for extra protection

Maintenance Indoor Mat

It is best to treat the luxury indoor mat as a carpet. Carpet only needs to be cleaned dry by vacuuming but avoid the leather edges. The leather edges can be wiped with a damp cloth.

Any stains can be removed with a cleaning cloth and carpet cleaner. Not suitable for the washing machine.

Maintenance Brooms

To make the brooms last as long as possible, always hang them on the hook provided. This way the brushes stay nice and straight and do not bend, which happens when they are left on the floor for a long time.

Cleaning the broom is not really necessary. You can keep the handle clean with a mild detergent. You can place the brushes in a bowl of warm water. You will see that they will then also return to their original shape.

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